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Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of prayer and fasting, will start on the evening of April 23 this year, and continue until the evening of May 23. This month is very special to all Muslims around the world, because as families and communities they focus together on prayer. 

The pandemic of COVID-19 around the world makes this year a unique year for Ramadan as people are struggling with fear and uncertainties. This deeply affects our Muslim friends worldwide, as they will not be able to practice their rituals, like group prayers in mosques, in a normal fashion. These rituals are a pillar of their faith, and are very important to them as a community.

  • Pray that the fear of the virus will encourage Muslims to seek God more than depending on the rituals which are prohibited now in all countries.

  • Pray that as they focus on seeking Allah during the month of Ramadan, they will find Jesus.

  • Pray that the churches In Canada will be focused in prayer for Muslims during this month of Ramadan.

  • Pray that Christians will be more creative in showing their love for their Muslims friends during this challenging time.

  • Pray that the fear of Corona Virus will lead to a great harvest for our Muslim friends.

 To assist you in your prayers you can order this year’s 30 Days of Prayer For The Muslim World guide by emailing If you prefer a digital version you can purchase a pdf at, or download the prayer app to receive daily reminders

As a companion track to this global prayer initiative we are inviting you and your congregation to pray for your Muslim neighbours. To help you and your congregation enter into this season of prayer we are offering several resources:

  1. A daily prayer booklet with a short introduction and prayer point that focuses on the real needs of your Muslim neighbours. We will be posting them at lovingmuslimstogether/pray.

  2. A profile of the mosque nearest your church. During Ramadan especially, this will be a hub of the Muslim community’s prayers.

  3. A video to help people understand the significance of this month of fasting for Muslims. You can download it at

  4. We also want to invite you to come together online with other churches for a city- wide prayer meeting on the Muslim ‘Night of Power’. This is the one night when Muslims believe that God listens to and possibly answers their prayers. They believe that on this night sins can be forgiven, and prayers may be answered. We want to come together and pray that on this night, they would come to know the God who always hears and answers prayers. Please mark your calendar and join with others: May 19, 2020, 7:30-9:00 pm Contact for the meeting link.

If you need more information, please connect with your local Loving Muslims Together representative: or 778-251-4707


Loving Muslims Together exists because God’s love, demonstrated through Jesus Christ, is for Muslims. We function as local networks across Canada. We work to connect people and churches to opportunities, training and resources to help them build bridges to their Muslim neighbours, living out God’s love in word and deed.