Many of us are reluctant to talk too much about money. For some, it’s a personal matter, and we don’t want anyone meddling in our financial affairs; others of us are concerned about being judged because of financial needs we have or mistakes we’ve made. 

But money matters, biblically speaking:  money is mentioned more than 800 times in the Bible – over 2,000 references. One in ten verses in the gospels and sixteen of Jesus’ thirty-eight parables touch on money and possessions. Almost ¼ of Jesus’ words in the New Testament deal with stewardship. Most importantly, there’s a direct correlation between our faith and the way we handle money.   

So we’re going to take an extended look at what it means to be faithful to God with money – eleven weeks on Kingdom Finances which will be split into two units, the first unit starting February 13 and the second unit starting after Easter. 

We will be talking about all kinds of things concerning money including what it is, the place that it has in our lives, why it is important, how we should handle it faithfully, and the way that it can be used to accomplish God's mission in the world. Our hope is that we will gain freedom in being able to talk honestly about money and to handle it with wisdom for God’s purposes.